Thursday, November 8, 2007

Marketing Yourself as a Commercial Mortgage Broker

What you know makes all the difference.

Countless surveys and articles have been written about how an independent commercial mortgage broker can market themselves. You can attend seminars, read books, listen to web broadcasts, or get the advice of your business associates. Marketing advice is everywhere, but who gets it? Who does it right? What can you do to bring clients to your doorstep? I’m not talking about leads, you can buy leads. I’m talking about real clients, the kind of clients that need your expertise, and will pay you real money to get it. I will tell you who will not come knocking at your door. Clients that don’t know you exist.

Ok here is the secret to marketing. Do something. Whether right or wrong, do something. If you do nothing, it will always be the wrong thing. Don’t be afraid to get your name out there. If you do something, you will be right some of the time and “some of the time” will bring you clients. It’s not about a fancy ad campaign. Most of us can’t afford that sort of expense and it won’t work anyway. What clients need in the commercial mortgage industry is expertise and options. Options that will get their deals funded, and options that you, the expert commercial mortgage broker can offer. Educate those clients and you will reap the rewards.

Step 1- Figure out what makes you unique. Why would someone want to work with you to finance their commercial mortgage? Are you knowledgeable about the mortgage industry? Do you have multiple commercial lender contacts that make you invaluable to a potential client? If so, let them know.

Step 2- Write articles, send informational emails, write a newsletter, speak at investor events, anything to let people know who you are and why they need to do business with you. Above all educate your clients about yourself and about the commercial mortgage industry. Don’t assume that they know what they are doing, assure they know what they are doing. It will make your job easier in the long run.

Step 3- Do it with a smile, self confidence, and a helpful spirit. No one wants to work with someone who is condescending or pessimistic. A lot of people have made it far with a smile and a great attitude. Know you can do it and get out there and do it. Henry Ford once said “Whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”.

My time in military service taught me one great life lesson. That lesson is to control the things in your life that you can control and don’t worry about the things you have no control over. There is nothing you can do to change those things. Think about that for a moment. How much time do you spend worrying about interest rates, traffic, or global warming? These are all things you have no control over, so don’t worry about them. Whether your phone will ring tomorrow, next week, or next month with your next commercial deal is something you can control. Something you and only you can make happen. Take some time to decide what works best for you. What fits your style and abilities? Are you a good writer? Then write some articles and educate the commercial investors in your area on commercial finance. Are you better face to face? Join every investor or community group you can and go meet people. Having no budget is not an excuse for not marketing.

They only secret is to do something. No one knows your business better than you do. What makes you different? Why should someone do business with you? All you have to do is figure that out and let people know. Get the word out any way you can. Marketing is not magic.

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